The Coalition ICOSCAT_CIVTED was born at a time when the international consensus is unanimous: a multi-stakeholder approach with strong and common actions is more than ever necessary for sustainable territorial development. This coalition will federate actions carried out on all
Coalition Internationale pour la Ville et les Territoires Durables (ICOSCAT-CIVTED)

A l’occasion de la journée mondiale des villes, le 31 octobre 2018, est née la Coalition Internationale pour la Ville et les Territoires Durables (ICOSCAT-CIVTED). Portée et coordonnée par l’ONG Urbanistes Sans Frontières (USF), cette coalition entre en action réunissant
International Coalition for Sustainable Cities and Territories (ICOSCAT-CIVTED)

Celebrating World Cities Day on October 31, 2018, the International Coalition for Sustainable Cities and Territories (ICOSCAT-CIVTED) is founded. This coalition coordinated by the NGO Urbanistses Sans Frontières (USF) and represented now by 100 members in 35 countries is composed
The International UCER Club (Urbanize Construct Ethical Responsible) was created in 2008 by Maggie Cazal, President and Founder of the NGO USF Urbanistes Sans Frontières. The club brings together building projects and town planning representatives to discuss about the Sustainable