Universal Lessons from an African Urbanist Article by Daniel Biau – April 2021 A collective tribute Alioune Badiane was not yet 66 years old when he left us on 31 July 2020 in Dakar, swept away by the Covid-19 pandemic. A
“Africa Sustainable Cities” Results of the great consultation of civil society
The presentation the great consultation results relating to the “Africa Sustainable Cities” programme of the NGO Urbanistes Sans Frontières (USF) “Urban Planners Without Borders” took place at an international conference, on February 25, in partnership with UCLG Africa. The technical
Challenges and Future of African Cities
Interview of Alioune Badiane by Maggie Cazal for Global Urban Think Tank This interview is the n°1 of the Collection “Urban Thinkers TALKS” created by Maggie Cazal, PhD in urban and regional planning. International speaker. Founder of Global Urban Think
Africa Sustainable Cities – Consultation 2020
The NGO Urbanistes Sans Frontières (USF) has launched the 2020 consultation as part of its “Africa Sustainable Cities” programme. This consultation, reserved for residents of African cities, is available until midnight November 30, 2020 (UTC time). The responses obtained will
Act for Africa Against Coronavirus
The NGO Urbanistes Sans Frontières (USF) is preparing a partnership action for the installation of water fountains in public spaces in African cities with a handwashing campaign: an essential measure to fight against Covid-19. The title of this project is
Action Afrique contre le Coronavirus
L’ONG Urbanistes Sans Frontières (USF) prépare une action partenariale pour l’installation des fontaines d’eau dans les espaces publics des villes africaines avec une campagne de lavage des mains : mesure indispensable pour lutter contre le Covid-19. Ce projet a pour

Interview of Daniel Biau by Maggie Cazal for Global Urban Think Tank This interview is the n°1 of the Collection “Urban Thinkers TALKS” created by Maggie Cazal, PhD in urban and regional planning. International speaker. Founder of Global Urban Think